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Pratiksha RamanResearch Analyst

Research Analyst

Pratiksha joined Elevar in 2024 as a Research Analyst, on the India Investment team. 

She interned at Elevar starting in February 2023, working on a variety of projects. These ranged from pipeline management for inbound companies to extensive field visits for a portfolio company. This was done in conjunction with her Bachelor’s degree in Arts, where she pursued a triple major in Economics, Sociology, and Psychology at Jain (deemed-to-be) University.

Pratiksha is also a trained Kathak dancer and debater, who dabbles in various art forms. 

Has working with Elevar changed your perspective on things?

Tremendously. Working at Elevar has highlighted narratives of the world for me that are largely unseen, unheard, and unknown…hopefully no longer.

What is a good day at work like for you?

One where I know I have had learnings, irrespective of how productive or challenging the day may have been.

The field visit that made a difference.

Visiting artisans in Kaladera, a small village near Sikar, Rajasthan taught me an incredible amount about perseverance in an uncertain environment. They maintain livelihood and culture through pure grit and intelligence.

Things you will be caught doing outside of work.

‘Riyaaz’, as one would say – for Kathak.  Reading books and poetry that enable me to revisit the lenses I use to view the world. Charcoal work and sketching in the wee hours of the night.